What Should I Start To Do First?
♥ Have you ever thought about getting a binder (notebook) you can decorate and fill it with page dividers? 1) Magazine Pages from Fitness Magazines 2) Good Recipes 3) Upper Body Exercises 4) Lower Body Exercises 5) Charts 6)News Clippings, Emails, Web Pages, Fitness Magazine Exercises, etc., and decorate it up.
How Much Water Do I Need To Drink Each Day?
♥ On a better note, here's something to follow that keeps you eating healthy while dropping unnecessary fat. There is a formula to follow for how much water to drink for your current weight:
♥ Your Weight Times (.5) Equals Divided By 8oz (or 1 Cup) Equals # Cups of Water/Day
• 100lbs x .5 = 50/8 =6 Cups of Water/day
• 120lbs x .5 = 60/8 = 7 Cups of Water/day
• 135lbs x .5 = 67.5/8 = 8 Cups of Water/day
• 150lbs x .5 = 75/8 = 9 Cups of Water/day
• 175lbs x .5 = /8 = 11 Cups of Water/day
• 200lbs x .5 = 100/8 = 12.5 Cups Water/day
Why Do I Need To Drink Water To Lose Weight?
♥ Water is essential for overall health, not to mention, its natural appetite suppressant.Water also plays an important role as in metabolizing food and helps you to burn more calories than if you didn't drink water.
♥ http://www.secretsofhealthyeating.com/drink-water-to-lose-weight.html
♥ It's also is important to know that you can die from an overdose of water. Water is extremely dangerous when you are only drinking water instead of eating and drinking in moderation.
♥ Hyponatremia is the result of too much water in your system to cause an imbalance in your electrolytes which in turn would result in excessive swelling of the heart, lungs, and brain.
♥ The most dangerous consumption of water is done when the person tries to drink their daily limits of water all in one sitting. Water must be spread out throughout the day in order for it to circulate throughout your system.
What's the Easiest Substitution To Start?
♥ Let's start with the easiest of substitutions where people will probably not notice that you are making changes to your diet:
♥ Week 1. Stop all soda pop, juice, etc. No slurpees, milkshakes, floats. Drink only water or crystal lite as a substitute for pop, juice, slurpees, frappaccinos, frozen mocha drinks, etc.
♥ Do not use hot chocolate, tea or coffee as a substitute for water as the chemicals used to flavor these drinks take all the good qualities out of the water and leave empty calories and dehydration.
♥ The reason you are substituting the water in place of the other drinks, is to help you to regain your own self control. In approximately 3 months, you'll be able to reinstate some of them into your diet in moderation and as a treat for yourself in the future.
♥ No, what you need to achieve right now is can be done away from a gym. In order to help get your metabolism up, it's imperative that you get your heart rate up in any way possible. If you are extremely overweight and suffer from sore knees, then you need to get yourself a bathing suit or layered workout wear to use in the swimming pool; if you do not have a public pool and you know someone who has one, then sit down and ask them if they would allow you to borrow time in their pool and schedule a time for 7 days in the week; a low depth river, lake or swimming pond will work in ideal temperatures. Another option would be to use a small indoor trampoline to do 'rebounding'. This will also up your metabolism.
♥ Walk once around the block or swim one lap each day to raise metabolism (5 days unless you enjoy 7 days) If your block is more than a mile long then only walk half or substitute with another activity equivalent. If you have a hill or hiking trail, then try to motivate yourself to do it once a week the first month. *Do not exceed 2 hours in the beginning.
What's the Next Substitution In The Beginning?
♥ This is one of the most difficult substitution or limitation for many teens who have gotten into the habit of sitting down and snacking.
♥ Week 2. Stop all breads, buns, cakes, muffins, etc.. No Chips, Nachos, Cookies, Cheezies, Snack Chips of any sort, Wheat Thins, Rice Cakes, Triscuits, Tea Biscuits, English Muffins, Foccascia, etc.
♥ Many teens fill their emptiness with sweet bread-like products which includes peanut butter and honey or jam toast when others will reach for saltier snacks which includes pretzels.
♥ It's difficult to break the habit of snacking at the movies, watching home Dvd's, sports games and their finals, as well as, baby showers and parties. Eat ahead of the event so that you feel full.
♥ Drink more water while everyone else is eating. Chew a piece of mint gum to alter the taste if you need extra motivation.
♥ The fast food outlets are a great treat once a month or once on a weekend every once in awhile, but to have everyday or every other day because of the convenience is very detrimental to your weightloss and health.
♥ I would prefer that you do what ever you can do to avoid Arby's, Burger King, Jack-In-The Box, KFC, MacDonalds, Pizza Outlets, Sonic's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, etc.
♥ It's not that these outlets do not have healthy choices within the restaurants, it's that you will have to establish an 'all or nothing' attitude in the beginning 3 months in order for change to take place.
♥ It's much too tempting and who wants to be snacking on a salad, veggie burger, or wrap with water when your friends have sauces dribbling down their lips, slurping their pop and "mmhmmhmmming" in delicious pleasure; but in the worst case scenario and you need to have something, cut your order in half and share or save for later.
♥ Try to limit yourself to only one piece of a bun or one piece of bread, french toast, plate size pancakes, etc. You can enjoy a hamburger without a bun.
What's the Next Substitution After Colas & Breads?
♥ This is one of the exciting steps in the journey to weightloss or a healthier lifestyle. This can be started immediately in Week 1 if you would like to start it right away. I just thought you may want things spread out a bit to give you some time to adjust and say good-bye to your favorite foods, snacks, and habits.
♥ Week 3. Prepare a menu for your day. You are going to plan for 6 meals. I find the best way to monitor your daily needs is to follow the breakfast snack lunch snack dinner no snack (7:30am-9:30am-11:30am-1:30pm-3:30pm-5:30pm). You can change the times to suit your schedule each day, but try not to exceed 7pm for your last meal.
♥ It'll seem like you are eating more than other people, but the great thing, if it's all healthy, your metabolism will burn it all off because it's spaced out. People don't understand that more food at little bits will cause you to lose weight if you have fat reserves or gain some weight back if you are underweight.
What Does A Sample Menu Look Like?
Here is a sample menu for your to manipulate. Do not follow this piece for piece. Choose foods you are more familiar with and don't compromise your substitutions.
Why Is A Probiotic Yogurt So Important?
♥ Probiotic Yogurt is really important in teenagers because it's a special type of bacteria that balances immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, treat intestinal disorders, protect against allergens, prevent some cancers, lower blood pressure, even ward off tooth decay and some infections.
♥ Girls who are more prevalent to candida and yeast infections, these yogurts can be the first step in preventing the reoccurrence of these infections.
♥ I started out getting a tub (approximately 2 cup) of Activa yogurt (you pick flavour) first. I bought Ziploc or Glad reusable cups (smallest); it only holds approximately 4 Tablespoons or half a cup. I would fill up the individual cups, so they were easy to grab and already measured out for me.
♥ It was easy to eat 3-4 containers of yogurt each day and it helped sustain a portion of my daily protein intake. It's also the most tolerable. This yogurt is absolutely necessary if you want to see results. There are several other yogurts with similar nutrients that aid in digestion: Active, Danone Biologics, Yoplait Plus, & FibreOne.
♥ I have it at every meal and it's the perfect substitute for craving ice cream because it has a function in the body; it doesn't put on weight and ***regulates your bowel*** to act on its own rather than depending on a laxative. You can also add granola & dried fruits for additional substance.
♥ So, I know I have a portion of protein and calcium coming in. You have to trick your mind to get away from thinking about size. It's not the same as eating a tub of yogurt in one sitting because the body has to try and digest 2 cups of yogurt, however, a little bit throughout the day balance out its use and uses it up for much needed energy.
♥ You don't need to share this with your parents if you find them unsupportive; however, if they will be buying the groceries, you'll have to give your mom a grocery list every 3 days (1 Tub Yogurt /day) and explain why you are now eating so much yogurt.
♥ It's important, however, to ensure that your parents don't think you have an eating disorder and that they witness you eating, snacking and making better choices at the dinner table. It can be difficult if Mom and Dad aren't supportive and continue to make heavy dinners. Make the best of it and when in doubt, the largest portion of your meal should not exceed the size of your fist.
♥ You now want to try and maintain at least 45 minutes of cardio if your weight is higher (150lbs+), you will require longer bouts of cardio. You shouldn't need to continue upping your cardio because no one has that much time when they are in school, extra curricular activities, etc.
♥ If there any way that you could meet with a nutritionist either the gym, then they can help you set up a menu for the week, but I'll give you a link for a chart website so you can find the charts you want to use and print them off. Also, if your parents agree, then the trainer can set you up on a program to keep your metabolism moving, tone up arms/legs, introduce you to a new environment.
♥ http://www.chartjungle.com/weight-loss.html
♥ http://teens.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_maps_home.asp
Your Schedule Doesn't Work For Me?
♥ You need to play with your food, water, and snacks to fit it into your schedule. Some snacks may overlap with lunch or you’ll find yourself eating on the move. Try not to skip it, because your body is depending on it.
♥ Try not to eat after 6pm or if you must eat, try yogurt, almonds (12 max) or grilled chicken fillets (slices). I always keep grilled chicken in the fridge and grab as needed. (Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Chicken Breast Fillets or Sliced Grilled in Oven at 350’ for approximately 45 minutes.)
:*¨¨*:.***:*¨¨*:.STAY AWAY FROM ICE:*¨¨*:
*¨¨*:CREAM & COOKIE DOUGH:*¨¨*:.***:*¨¨*:.
What Will Help Me To Stay On Track?
♥ I do not want you to get into any habits of stepping on the scale everyday or several times a day. Once a month is the goal for the scale and no more.
♥ As a teenager your hormones are imbalanced and fluctuating all the time. So, some days you'll have more water retention than the day before but that's no cause for alarm ~ it's normal.
♥ In the beginning, you can weigh yourself in the morning and record it, as well as in the evening. You can also take measurements around the biggest part of your arm, leg, bum, chest, waistline and stomach and record the numbers to compare to next months.
♥ The body mass index is important in determining whether or not you are at a safe weight for your height and weight or if you are extremely underweight causing heart damage or extremely overweight causing heart disease, diabetes, and several other ailments.
Under Weight = Any number under <18.5.>
Average Weight = Any number between 18.5-24.9.
Over Weight = Any number betwen 25-29.9
Obesity = Any number over 30 is obesity.
♥ If you find yourself under or less than 18 on the BM Index or if you find yourself over 27 on the BM Index, you should discuss these results with your family doctor. These can greatly affect your natural growth.
♥ If you not carry enough fat cells, then you will not be able to sustain the hormones you need to grow up healthy and sustain your period, your voice changes, your hair growth in the proper places, etc..
♥ It's best to try and reduce your substitutions by the week 1, week 2, and week 3, so that you don't revert back to old habits.
♥ If you make some slips which usually happens to everyone trying to make a change, I want you to remember that if you consume 1 Tsp of sugar you will crave 2 Tsp next time and it continually increases making your cravings out of control.
♥ If you follow the six mini meals each day, you will definitely feel a change in your system within a very short period of days. If you were used to sugar crashes or lightheadedness, this should stop with the consistent use of yogurt. It balances out your sugar and reduces your cravings.
Do I Have An Eating Disorder?
♥ It's really important in your teen years to be as healthy as you can be in all your stages of growth.
♥ In order for this to be accomplished, you must take in the foods with the vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
♥ You need to read up on lifeskills to help you cope in the many new experiences ahead of you. Anger Management, Assertiveness, Boundaries, Communication Skills, Change, Conflict Resolution, Self Worth, etc. Once you understand these concepts and how they can really move you forward, you will be amazed and proud of yourself.
♥ Please follow the link below to "Somethings Fishy" website and do the questionnaire and print off the results. If it recommends you to see your doctor, then please take the questionnaire in with you.
♥ We all make mistakes whether we admit it or not. Do not beat yourself up about it if this comes back that you may have a eating disorder. Be gentle with yourself and follow the advice to seek out help to get ontop of it now rather than later.
God Bless. <><